Traffic News

TRANSMART Inc. is in close contact with different transportation professional and research communities. Our team is always looking into the latest media news, position openings, conference and symposium announcements related to transportation in general and traffic safety and mobility in particular. This section synthesizes such items while encouraging our customers and collaborators to stay connected to our community.

Traffic in the Media

Didi Chuxing: Apple-backed firm aims for one million robotaxis (BBC, June 23, 2020)

“Chinese ride-hailing firm Didi Chuxing says it plans to operate more than a million self-driving vehicles by 2030. The robotaxis are to be deployed in places where ride-hailing drivers are less available, according to Meng Xing, Didi’s chief operating officer (…)”

(Source: Didi Chuxing)


New Book: Traffic Operations at Intersections: Learning and Applying the Models and Methods of the Highway Capacity Manual

Dr. Michael Kyte and Dr. Rod Troutbeck have published a new book titled “Traffic Operations at Intersections: Learning and Applying the Models and Methods of the Highway Capacity Manual.” This book is the culmination of the authors’ many years of experience serving on the Transportation Research Board’s Committee on Highway Capacity and Quality of Service, researching and developing the HCM intersection models, and teaching these models to students and practicing engineers.